The Collection
Trailer and Short Film
Project Title: The Collection (trailer)
Project Title: The Collection
About the Project
Once and awhile I make things to try out ideas or techniques. The Collection was inspired by the idea that the best stories are simple and hold a surprise. In tribute to my love for the visual language of film, it’s a story told without dialogue. Shadow, light, and action combined with audio design speaks to the mind’s eye. To set an old-fashioned tone, I chose an organic look with in-camera effects, prop effects, and a scene with stop-motion animation. Each moment and detail advances the story.
The Collection was made for the love of filmmaking and to explore the realm of the imagination.[/one_half]
[one_half last]Target Audience
Youth, Families
Create a fun short film
Short film, drama-fantasy, 4:50-minutes and trailer, 36-seconds
Live-action with stop motion animation
Screenings and the Web
Services Provided
Complete creative and technical services from concept development to delivery of the final project. Publicity kit.